Jesus Christ is fully present in the Blessed Sacrament: body, blood, soul and divinity!! He is with us in the form of a small, white Host, the Eucharist, and is placed upon the altar for adoration in a vessel called a monstrance. There, upon the altar in our Perpetual Adoration Chapel, Jesus waits for you!
Adoration is for everyone- all ages! God loves every soul that He created, and delights in you! In the silence of adoration, our hearts speak to the One Who created us, Who loves us beyond measure, and Who died and rose for us so that we could be with Him forever.
Since Jesus knew we would need him during our Earthly journey, He instituted the Eucharist and promised, “And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age” (Mt 28:20). The Eucharist is Jesus, a Gift beyond our understanding or measure. We receive and adore Him in Holy Communion, adore Him hidden in the tabernacle in the church, and in order to enjoy the sweetness of His Eucharistic Presence ever more deeply, we find ourselves quietly entering the Perpetual Adoration Chapel.
When we enter the chapel, we recognize that we are in the presence of God: we genuflect. When the Eucharist is exposed, it is a church tradition to genuflect on both knees, and make the sign of the cross. If you are a committed adorer, you will use the touchscreen in the chapel to sign in at that time. If not, you can opt to sign in as a visitor.
Next, you may find a spot in the chapel to sit or kneel. The content of your time with the Lord will be as unique as you are! When we are with One that we love, words are not always necessary! Sometimes all we need to do is allow the Lord to love us while we are near Him, soaking up His divine love and all the graces He has prepared for us. He knows us intimately, and already knows what we need.
There are many ways to spend a Holy Hour, and the Lord will lead you. He loves to hear all your concerns. Bring before Him all your prayer intentions, all your joys and sorrows, all your love, thanksgiving and adoration. There are devotional materials in the adoration room to use while you are there to help bring you into a spirit of prayer and communion with Jesus.
You can read and pray the scriptures, pray the Rosary, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and other devotions. But be sure and allow your spirit some time to just listen with your heart to what the Lord may be trying to teach you. “Be still and know that I am God.”
When your time in the chapel is finished, genuflect again, and quietly leave the chapel. You may not necessarily feel any different, but if you are attentive, you will notice ways that the Lord has blessed you through your time with Him. You may notice that you are better able to handle a difficult situation with more patience. As you have just received the love of the Lord, and allowed Him time to fill you with His Spirit, you may find yourself having more to give the people that God has placed in your life. You have spent time with the Wellspring of Grace, and your life will be blessed in many ways!