Lamb of God Chapel Fund
In Memory of Daniel T. Mielnicki
Daniel T. Mielnicki was a founding member of the Lamb of God Chapel Adoration Committee. He was a part of many spirited discussions that took place as the committee met to establish our new chapel in November of 2014. Dan loved Our Lord, the Blessed Mother, and St. Therese, the Little Flower. He was a member of the Third Order of the Lay Carmelites. Dan loved to adore the Lord, and would take at least three holy hours per week, at midnight and 1AM at the age of 81. When the chapel opened, and we established the new electronic sign-ins on the touchscreen, Dan tattooed his adorer number to his arm, and used the tattoo to witness to his love of adoration.
When our perpetual adoration took place only during Lent, Dan would watch the candles on the temporary altar, and would replace them as needed. When the new year-round perpetual chapel opened up, Dan worked out a proposal for a fund that would help pay for the cost of the chapel candles. He was very, very inspired by this idea, and envisioned a way for the adorers to “give back” to our parish. In Dan’s view, he saw the candle flames burning perpetually, and uniting with the many prayers in the chapel, rising up to Heaven.
When the committee decided to wait before asking the adorers for any funds, Dan was sorely disappointed. We did not want new adorers to feel they needed to pay to become part of the chapel. In less than a year after Lamb of God Chapel opened, Dan contracted bone cancer. He faced his illness with great hope for Heaven, and inspired us all with his faith. He passed away in September of 2015.
The adoration committee did not forget Dan’s request. An offering box was purchased in the autumn of 2016 and installed outside the chapel in the pillar that is across from the Vocation Station. The plaque over the box reads, “Lamb of God Chapel Fund in memory of Daniel T. Mielnicki.” Any donations placed in the box are used to help defray the cost of running the chapel, such as: the candles, the cost of the touchscreen system, continued maintenance on the furniture, and the purchase of printed materials and cleaning supplies. Donations are also used to recover the costs of establishing the chapel: the solitary heating and air conditioning system installed just for the chapel, equipment purchased in order to maintain the chapel, and the transportation and installation of our beautiful donated “Lamb of God” altar.
It is our joy to have finally responded to Dan’s request for a way to “give back” to the parish for the gift of the chapel. It is interesting to note that in the first year of collections, we have just exceeded the yearly cost of the candles, which was Dan’s ardent desire. We continue to pray for Dan’s soul, but at the same time we often ask for Dan’s intercession in keeping the chapel running smoothly! Rest in peace, our beloved committee member, Daniel T. Mielnicki.